Free Paint
Painting in the Montessori world is both a leisurely fun activity and a learning experience. Offering both an opportunity for self expression and practical skill building. For the 1-6 year old, painting is a great way to refine motor skills and to continue strengthening those hand and wrist muscles. It helps to improve concentration, hand eye coordination, and promotes independence. There is a lesson in step taking in order to engage in the painting process; with first wetting the brush, dipping it into the paint, and then brushing it onto the paper. Painting helps to build an appreciation of what is created in the end, their artistic works! It’s an activity Yumi has engaged in since about 13 months and has loved since. Always serving a good calming activity for her, as she gets into her own little world for the better half of an hour. Yumi is 22 months here for reference!