Color Sorting Box
Sorting colors is a great skill to practice with toddlers and preschoolers! The major benefits: good for hand-eye coordination, fine motor building, and of course our biggest goal here, learning colors! At 18 months, Yumi is just at the age to begin these types of activities! The task is simple, push the colored rings through their corresponding hole! Yes, those are baby wipe lids that I pulled off of finished packs, and saved for just this! To make the box; I first painted the lids, let them dry, and hot glued them down to the box. No hot glue gun? You might try gorilla glue or any other strong adhesive. Last, I cut oblong holes under the lids, using a box cutter, for the rings to go through. The rings were purchased here, but are also available unpainted at, major local craft stores, and can be hand painted! Alternatively, you could very well use pom pom balls (cheaper/easier to find), cut circle holes, and push those through instead!